Monday, November 1, 2010

Moral Decision

If I were in the position where the was a fire in the museum and I was could safe either the famous Mona Lisa or a 92 year old women in a wheel chair, I would save the women. I would do this because I don't think anyone could bare living with the guilt of knowing that the family she left behind would be heart broken. Also, to begin with it would be impossible to take the Mona Lisa from the museum because it is encased it a high security, fire proof, and light tinted glass safe. This safe keeps out harmful light and other harmful impurities while letting people see it at the same time. Therefore, because I couldn't take the Mona Lisa even if I wanted to, I would save the women in the wheel chair with out a doubt. Another reason why I would save the women is because it would be impossible to live with myself knowing that I had the chance to save someone, but instead let her perish.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

5 Things I Would Grab if House Burnt Down

If my house were to burn to the ground I really don't have anything that could not be replaced. If I had to grab 5 things I would first grab my camera because it is worth around 2 thousand dollars and would be hard to replace. Also it would be easy to grab because it is on the way out of the house. Secondly, I would grab as many of my firearms as possible because of their value and rarity of some of them. Thirdly, I would have to grab my wallet as passport credentials because it would be a very long process to reacquire these possessions. The forth possession I would try get be as many of the expensive tools I have in my shop because it would also take a long time to get these back. My fifth and final possession that I would grab, would have to be my motorbike from the shop because, it would serve as a way of transportation in a time of need.   

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Best Meal

The question is, what would be considered the best meal. If you had a choise  between a hamburger or, lets say a seafood platter containing King crab, lobster and prawns. Assuming you love both of these meals and don't have any deadly allergic reactions to sea food, there are a few things to consider. First of all, you might consider where you live. If, perhaps you live in the prairies it would not be economical to purchase large amounts of seafood for the price of two tickets to the Canucks game. Also, you will need to consider the how much time you would have to prepare this feast. Some people that have a lot of time on there hands might take up the challenge and prepare the seafood platter spending an entire afternoon and the better part of the evening in the kitchen. Others would say it isn't worth it and would much rather just through a burger on barbecue and be having a nice relaxing meal within a half hour. Some people might prefer the taste of seafood and don't mind the extra time spent for the same outcome. Others prefer hamburgers and think people are crazy or even insane for spending that amount of time for a meal. In the end you have to remember that food is food and all looks the same in end.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top 3 Places to Travel

      The top 3 places in the world I would taravel to would have to be New Zealand, Nepal and Austrialia. I considered which places have activities that interest me the most, which has different cultaral aspects then Canada, and also which place has the most spectacular scenery.
    New Zealand would have to be my number one because of the beautiful scenery and landscapes. Aslo there are many historical sites to hike. The cultural aspect, I have been told, is nuch like Canada so I think this would be a good place to start.
   Secound on my list would have to be Nepal because of the spectacular hiking thoughout the Himalayas. Also the culture is very different and there way of life is very rather simple. My aunt and uncle have recently gone on a 14 day trek across Mnt. Kilomanjero that I would like to do.
   Last on my list, but only because I have been there before, would be Australia. I love to surf, and anywhere you don't have to spend 30 minutes getting into a wetsuit is amazing. Plus the beaches are unbelievable. The water is nice and warm, and the color in crazy. That is why I want to go back and those are my top 3 places to tavel.                                                             

Monday, September 20, 2010

Historical Moment

If I were to travel back in time to any historical event, I would sail with Captain James Cook to be the first to European to see the eastern coast of Austrailia. James Cook was a courageous explorer that took risks and traveled to uncharted waters where no one had been before. To be a crew member on his tall ship "The Enduever" would be a trecherous, but yet a fasinating journey.