Monday, November 1, 2010

Moral Decision

If I were in the position where the was a fire in the museum and I was could safe either the famous Mona Lisa or a 92 year old women in a wheel chair, I would save the women. I would do this because I don't think anyone could bare living with the guilt of knowing that the family she left behind would be heart broken. Also, to begin with it would be impossible to take the Mona Lisa from the museum because it is encased it a high security, fire proof, and light tinted glass safe. This safe keeps out harmful light and other harmful impurities while letting people see it at the same time. Therefore, because I couldn't take the Mona Lisa even if I wanted to, I would save the women in the wheel chair with out a doubt. Another reason why I would save the women is because it would be impossible to live with myself knowing that I had the chance to save someone, but instead let her perish.

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