Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top 3 Places to Travel

      The top 3 places in the world I would taravel to would have to be New Zealand, Nepal and Austrialia. I considered which places have activities that interest me the most, which has different cultaral aspects then Canada, and also which place has the most spectacular scenery.
    New Zealand would have to be my number one because of the beautiful scenery and landscapes. Aslo there are many historical sites to hike. The cultural aspect, I have been told, is nuch like Canada so I think this would be a good place to start.
   Secound on my list would have to be Nepal because of the spectacular hiking thoughout the Himalayas. Also the culture is very different and there way of life is very rather simple. My aunt and uncle have recently gone on a 14 day trek across Mnt. Kilomanjero that I would like to do.
   Last on my list, but only because I have been there before, would be Australia. I love to surf, and anywhere you don't have to spend 30 minutes getting into a wetsuit is amazing. Plus the beaches are unbelievable. The water is nice and warm, and the color in crazy. That is why I want to go back and those are my top 3 places to tavel.                                                             

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